Friday, May 22, 2009

Cameron Trip that never come by...Far-fetched


I can almost go 2 cameron wif every1...
Then, sum bloody meeting came...
Spoil all d hopes & fun...
1 min i can go & d nex min i can't go...n d nex??can go again?!?
Wat's d restriction??
I'll b stucked at home 4 my whole holidays...
I can already imagine it...

At first when im allowed 2 go, i waz thrill & happy...
Planning & tinking wat 2 do n wat can b done there...
But! Everyting waz shattered in jz 1 second...
Im realli upset abt it...

Dun ever try 2 giv me any hope if tiz is never gonna happen!!
It'll oni hurt my feelings...


Raymond Thian said...

that person was jus having so many thoughts.
As you said, go = happy; to him, maybe just to make you happy, but in depth, he might think it is not that safe.
Well, i also kinda not sure about him. honestly, i myself think that he is kinda mysterious in his own way, that's him

-soo.wei- said...

i dunno abt dat d end spend more money in genting's casino =.="

~ Songs ~